Update an existing website.


PUT /v1/websites/{websiteId}

You can specify any properties you wish to update, and omit the rest.

  "website": {
    "homeUrl": "<https://fake-university.com/>",
    "name": "Fake University",
    "maxPages": 100,
    "maxDocuments": 100
  "options": {
    "website.benchmarkId": "fortune-500-usa",
    "website.benchmarkPercentile": 90
  "schedule": {
    "scheduleInterval": "day",
    "schedulePeriod": 5,
    "scheduleFromDate": 1704058162,
    "schedulePreset": "",
    "isActive": true
  "tagIds": [

name string

Name for the website.

homeUrl string

Homepage URL for the website.

maxPages integer

The maximum number of pages this website can use.

maxDocuments integer

The maximum number of documents this website can use.

options object

An object containing the options for the website.