The Silktide API imposes various rate limits to prevent inappropriate behavior, and protect the standard of service for our customers.

Standard APIs

Unless otherwise stated, all API calls are limited to 75 requests per 5 seconds.

Every API request that occurs increments a counter which is reset after 5 seconds of non-use. So if you make 75 requests without a 5 second break, you should pause for 5 seconds before continuing.

CMS update APIs

A dynamic limit is set, based on the size of the website, but generally very high.

Inspector APIs

API calls for resources within the Inspector are unlimited.

This is because these need to be served as part of webpages we proxy inside the Inspector, the browser may request dozens of these in parallel per user, and they are extremely efficient.

Limit context

All limits are imposed per-API key, except for anonymous API endpoints (those not requiring authentication), which are limited per IP-address.

We reserve the right to block accounts which use multiple API keys in an excessive combination.